Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wisata Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Menyimpan Berbagai Pesona

Pulau Sumba dapat dicapai melalui udara lewat dua bandaranya. Bandar udara Tambolaka di Sumba Barat dan Bandar Udara Umbu Mehang Kunda di Sumba Timur.
Penerbangan dilayani setiap hari oleh maskapai Merpati, Batavia dan Transnusa. Dari Jakarta pesawat akan transit di Denpasar, Bali sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan ke pulau ini. Penerbangan oleh Merpati bertujuan akhir ke Kupang, dengan jalur Denpasar-Tambolaka-Waingapu-Kupang dan sebaliknya. Perjalanan udara dari Tambolaka ke Waingapu memakan waktu kurang dari 10 menit, saat yang tepat untuk mengamati Sumba dari udara.
Pulau ini juga bisa dicapai melalui laut dari pelabuhan Sape, Kabupaten Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Jangan lupa membawa peta pulau maupun peta kota untuk memperkirakan jarak dan lokasi. Peta dapat diunduh dari beberapa situs panduan perjalanan.
Kondisi jalan utama yang menghubungkan kota-kota utama di Sumba sudah relatif baik. Jalan-jalan yang lebih kecil masih banyak mengalami kerusakan, berlubang dan berlumpur saat hujan. Ada beberapa jembatan yang masih dalam perbaikan sehingga pengendara kendaraan bermotor harus menyeberangi sungai.
Transportasi umum tersedia pada jalur-jalur utama. Angkutan antar kota menggunakan mobil elf, biasanya sangat penuh sampai penumpang bergelantungan di pintu dan atap mobil. Jalur menuju daerah yang lebih terpencil dilayani oleh beberapa truk dengan jadwal tak menentu.
Dua kota besarnya, Waingapu dan Waikabubak dapat dicapai dengan travel seharga Rp 50 ribu dengan waktu tempuh 5 jam. Travel akan menjemput dan mengantar penumpang ke tempat tujuan, demikian seperti dikutip sepenuhnya dari Yahoo! Travel.
Pengelola hotel biasanya bisa membantu mencari motor maupun mobil yang disewakan. Tarif penyewaan motor lengkap dengan pemandu Rp 200 ribu. Adapun tarif sewa mobil mulai Rp 400 ribu.

Hampir tidak ada makanan khas yang dijual di Sumba. Ditambah lagi, jarang sekali ada warung yang menjual makanan. Tempat makan hanya ada di pusat kota. Meski sebagian besar penduduk beragama Nasrani, namun makanan halal dapat diperoleh dengan sangat mudah. Jika ingin pergi jauh seharian ke daerah terpencil, sangat disarankan untuk membawa bekal dari kota.
Oleh-oleh khas Sumba adalah ikat tenun. Beberapa kampung adat juga merupakan penghasil ikat tenun terbaik. Sempatkan melihat proses tenun dan pewarnaan dengan menggunakan bahan alami yang didapat dari alam. Motif tenunan berbeda di masing-masing daerah. Sumba barat punya tenunan bermotif lebih sederhana dari Sumba Timur.
Ada beberapa pilihan menginap murah seharga Rp 100 ribu sampai Rp 500 ribu, terutama di ibukota kabupaten. Biasanya hotel juga menyediakan transportasi dari dan menuju bandara. Ada pula pilihan untuk menginap di resort berbintang seperti Nihiwatu di Sumba Barat.
Pejalan yang berkunjung pada musim hujan akan bertemu Sumba yang hijau, basah dan bersyukur atas hujan. Padang sabana terbentang seperti karpet hijau sejauh mata memandang.
Mengunjungi Sumba pada musim hujan artinya harus siap menembus jalan yang berubah menjadi kolam berlumpur. Pada umumnya kondisi jalan utama Sumba sudah cukup bagus. Namun untuk menuju pantai maupun kampung adat di pedalaman, perjalanan harus melewati jalan tanah yang akan becek ketika hujan turun.
Tak demikian keadaannya pada musim kemarau. Saat itu padang hijau akan diganti warna cokelat karena rumput kekeringan. Sumba memang masyhur dengan cuacanya yang panas dan kering. Taufik Ismail dalam puisinya yang berjudul Beri Aku Sumba menceritakan Sumba sebagai “cuaca tropika, kering tanpa hujan ratusan hari.”
Saat musim panas, transportasi menuju tempat terpencil lebih mudah. Langit nampak biru dengan malam penuh bintang sehingga memungkinkan petualangan di alam bebas seperti hiking atau berkemah.

Selain memperhitungkan cuaca, waktu terbaik untuk melakukan perjalanan di pulau ini adalah saat digelarnya upacara adat. Upacara yang sayang untuk dilewatkan adalah Pasola, “perang” dua pasukan berkuda dengan cara melempar lembing dari atas kuda.
Upacara adat Pasola digelar empat kali setahun di empat tempat berbeda, biasanya pada Februari dan Maret. Hanya pemuka adat yang bisa menentukan kapan tanggal pasti Pasola digelar, karena upacara ini harus dilakukan bertepatan dengan munculnya cacing Nyale dari laut.
Upacara dimulai sejak dini hari dengan kegiatan mencari nyale di pantai. Sesudahnya barulah para rato bersiap di atas kuda, tanpa pelana. Pasola merupakan kegiatan yang berisiko tinggi karena melibatkan . Peserta Pasola tak takut darah yang tumpah. Luka dianggap biasa dan kematian tak menyisakan dendam.
Adapun pada bulan Oktober atau November terdapat upacara penutupan Wula Podu di Waikabubak, Sumba Barat. Wula podu adalah bulan larangan yang berlaku di Kampung Tarung, Prai Klembung dan Waitabar. Pada bulan larangan para penghuni kampung banyak dilarang melakukan berbagai kegiatan – bahkan tak boleh menangisi keluarga yang meninggal. Pada akhir Wula Podu penduduk mengadakan pesta adat yang sangat meriah dengan korban binatang dan tari-tarian.
Upacara pemakaman juga menjadi atraksi menarik bagi para turis. Pemeluk kepercayaan Marapu percaya bahwa orang mati membutuhkan bekal untuk pergi ke alamnya. Jenazah akan dibungkus dengan berlapis-lapis kain tenun, diiringi dengan penyembelihan korban hewan dalam jumlah banyak. Puluhan kerbau, puluhan babi dan ratusan ayam dipercaya bisa menjadi bekal almarhum menjadi roh penghuni Marapu.
Semua upacara ini tidak diadakan secara teratur menurut kalender masehi. Untuk mengetahui kapan upacara-upacara ini diadakan, sebaiknya hubungi biro perjalanan maupun hotel sebelum merencanakan perjalanan.

Friday, July 1, 2011

William and Kate touch down in Ottawa for royal tour

Royal newlyweds William and Kate were officially welcomed to Canada Thursday afternoon by Governor-General David Johnston, who called Canada the “honeymoon capital of the Commonwealth.”

The line provoked smiles from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who arrived in Ottawa under sunny skies and high expectations for their first official trip abroad as a married couple.

The beginning of their nine-day visit to Canada began on a relaxed note, as they delayed their tightly-choreographed schedule to wade into crowds of well-wishers.

Prince William addressed the crowd and joked about his French.

“It will improve as we go on,” he said with a laugh during short remarks in both official languages.

Prince William said he and his bride had been “longing to come here together” since before they got married.

“The geography of Canada is unsurpassed and it’s famous for being matched only by the hospitality of its peoples. We’re so very excited for having this opportunity to experience both and learn much more about this amazing country,” he said.

About 6,000 people, according to Rideau Hall officials, lined both sides of the driveway leading up to the grand mansion – the Governor-General’s residence – where the couple will stay during the Ottawa portion of their visit.

William and Kate were welcomed by the Governor-General and Prime Minister Stephen Harper at a ceremony featuring full military honours and a 21-gun salute.

Mr. Harper apologized for missing their wedding due to the federal election campaign, saying he and his wife, Laureen, were with them in spirit from a Montreal hotel room.

Catherine stood with Mr. Harper and his wife, Laureen, and the Governor-General and his wife, Sharon, as Prince William addressed the crowd.

The Duchess, tall and very slim, wore a navy, form-fitting lace dress with a white underlay by British-based label Erdem – whose designer, Erdem Moralioglu, was born in Montreal. The Duke was dressed in a dark suit with a blue shirt and burgundy tie, complete with a Maple Leaf pin in his lapel. The Duchess changed outfits during the flight from London. As she boarded a Canadian Forces Airbus earlier in the day, she wore a navy blazer by Canadian label Smythe over a knee-length dress.

Later Thursday, William and Kate are to attend a barbecue to celebrate Canadian youth in the garden of Rideau Hall.

After their plane touched down at 2 p.m. ET, the royals were greeted by Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson and a throng of other officials.

Liberal MP David McGuinty later said he had thanked the Duchess for choosing Canada first, adding that she replied she was “honoured and spoiled.” Marc Bureau, the Mayor of Gatineau, Que., said he greeted the couple in French and that the Duchess had replied in French that it was a pleasure.

Then the couple headed directly to the National War Memorial to lay a wreath and floral spray to pay tribute to Canada’s war sacrifice. They were greeted by Mr. Harper, who wore a red and white tie, and Mrs. Harper, who was dressed in a white dress and red jacket.

After signing a visitors’ book, the royals chatted with grey-haired veterans in uniform, one of whom proudly described his medals to the Duke.

William and Kate then parted, each taking a side of the crowd and shaking hands as well-wishers extended their necks – and their cameras – for a better view. At one point, people chanted, “Kate, Kate, Kate.”

Crowds hopeful for a glimpse of the royals began lining up hours beforehand.

Ann Baker put together her fascinator last night and then came out to Rideau Hall at 7 30 a.m. for a prime position.

She got one – right at the front of the barricade. She was hoping that Prince William and Catherine would stop.

Peggy McCann was at the Rideau Hall grounds at 9 a.m., wearing a red-and-white velour top hat with a picture of William and Kate pasted on the front.

She and Ms. Baker had become fast friends.

At the airport this morning, about 30 royal enthusiasts pressed up against a fence waving Canadian flags and lounged in the sun on picnic blankets. When the royals arrived, their plane was at least two football fields away.

But no matter for local resident Irene Nagle, who figured this was her best shot of a view.

“This is more intimate, rather than being with a million people. And this is their actual arrival. It was important to me because when Di was here I was too young, so this is a special moment for me,” she said, referring to Prince William’s late mother, Diana.

The royal couple’s highly anticipated tour of Canada will also take them to Quebec, Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Alberta. During their travels, they will sample classically Canadian experiences – from street hockey to the Calgary Stampede.

William and Kate, who were married two months ago, will be closely watched during their first official international tour. Nearly 1,400 journalists have been accredited to cover the visit, including nearly 100 from Britain.

On Friday, they will be on stage for the noon Canada Day show on Parliament Hill – a mix of pomp and pop that features an address to the nation from Prince William. Officials are preparing for crowds that could exceed half a million people.

Heritage Canada is spending $1.5-million on the tour, not including security costs.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Popular Things To Do in Bali

  • Discover Bali 8 Day Tour
  • Ubud Monkey Forest
  • Gitgit Waterfall
  • Bajra Sandhi Monument
  • Bukit Peninsula
Flightnetwork.com -Specializing in Cheap Flights F

Popular Destinations in Bali

Popular Destinations in Bali

Flightnetwork.com -Specializing in Cheap Flights F


    Jimbaran Information

    Jimbaran is a traditional Balinese fishing village that that has developed into a thriving centre for tourists. Located in the neck of the Peninsula near the international airport Jimbaran is famous for its fresh seafood, luxury resort accommodation and sandy beaches. Visitors can treat themselves to sumptuous seafood meals for extremely reasonable prices including the local specialty, lobster. Typically visitors choose from a big selection of live seafood that is then cooked over burning coconut husks rather than charcoal.

    As Jimbaran is a working fishing village the tourists can watch the locals bringing in and organising their catch early in the morning. As is typical of most tourist areas of Bali there is a wide range of shops, restaurants and bars and other shops available around the beach strip, making Jimbaran an attractive and easy destination to unwind and spoil yourself.

    Ubud - Culture, comfort, nature and inspiration

    Ubud - Culture, comfort, nature and inspiration

    Ubud is a must see destination, especially for first time visitors to Bali. The monkey forest in Ubud is a fun attraction for families. Get up and close with the monkeys as they go about their daily life. Ubud's unique natural surroundings, including the mountains, volcanos, scenic rice fields and small villages are just a few of the things that attract people to Bali. Visitors can also enjoy the local art and craft communities, ancient temples, palaces and rivers.

    Bali Flight + 4 Nights

    Great Bali deal


    • Return economy class airfares to Bali including prepaid taxes.
    • 4 nights accommodation at the Dewi Sri Hotel in a Standard Room.
    • Breakfast daily.
    • Welcome drink on arrival.


    More Information

    Flightnetwork.com -Specializing in Cheap Flights F
    Travel departing from:
    Perth from $585*
    Adelaide from $890*
    Brisbane from $965*
    Melbourne from $999*
    Sydney from $999*
    and Only from $115*
    Dewi Sri Hotel is nestled away on Jl.Legian in the midst of Bali's famous Kuta Beach and the Legian shopping and entertainment centre. Dewi Sri Hotel offers excellent accommodation in lush landscaped surroundings. One swimming pool with restaurant overlooking both pool and gardens. Perfect for families or couples wanting a relaxed holiday in Bali.

    Travel Dates

    • Valid for travel 16 September - 24 December 2011.

    Thursday, June 9, 2011

    The best surf locations in Bali

    Flightnetwork.com -Specializing in Cheap Flights FBali, a tropical island in the Indonesian archipelago, is so picturesque and immaculate it could almost be a painted backdrop. It has rice paddies tripping down hillsides like giant steps, volcanoes soaring up through the clouds, dense tropical jungle, long sandy beaches, warm blue water, crashing surf and friendly people who don't just have a culture but actually live it. In Bali spirits come out to play in the moonlight, every night is a festival and even a funeral is an opportunity to have a good time.

    Airport Lefts
    As the name implies, Airport lefts is in front of the northern side of the airport runway in Tuban, about 1.5kms south of Kuta Reef and approx 1km from the beach. Hire one of the local boats to get there, and save your energy for surfing.

    Season - Dry Season (May-September)
    Swell Direction - South
    Ideal Size - at 4-5 ft - Airport Lefts begins to close when it gets bigger than this.
    Best Winds - South East Trade Winds
    Break - This break is a favourite of Japanese surfers so it can get crowded, and is a favourite with Japanese surfers. The waves are not a super powerful and the wave only runs for about 70 mtrs.

    Airport Rights
    Airport Rights is on the southern side of the airport runway and the wave can not be seen from the Kuta/Tuban area. The only way to reach this break is by hiring one of the local boats and do expect to pay a little more than for the other breaks in the area as its a lot further out.

    Season - Dry Season (May - September)
    Swell Direction - South
    Ideal Size - 3 - 6 ft
    Best Winds - South East Trade Winds
    Break - When the swell is big on the reefs along the Kuta stretch it's worth taking a trip around to Airport Rights as it does take a bit of big swell before this break starts to work. With a high tide in the morning and a big swell to go with it, the chances are that this break will be working. Airport Rights is a classic right hand wave with rides up to 100mtrs or more. When it's working in the 2 - 4ft range you can generally expect it to be crowded.

    Kuta Reef
    Kuta Reef is located approx 800mtrs offshore, just to the left of the Discovery Kartika Plaza Resort. Hire one of the local boats to get out to the break. For a few dollars they will take you out and then return and pick you up when you're finished surfing (sometimes best to make a pre arranged time for a pickup with the boat operator that takes you out).

    Season - Dry Season (May - September)
    Swell Direction - South
    Ideal Size - 4 - 5 ft is the best and also better on a middle to high tide
    Best Winds - South East Trade Winds
    Break - Kuta Reef is a very popular break and due to its convenient and central location it is not hard to find 60 - 70 surfers in the water.  Have patience and pick you times and you will end up with a fun surf.  When conditions are right, Kuta Reef produces a world class lefthander with waves traveling for up to 200 mtrs or more with some good barrel sections. Map of Kuta & Legian.

    Canggu is situated on the southern coast between Seminyak and Tanah Lot.  If you travel by car there is only a very small carpark so can be more convenient with a motorbike.   This reef break has a regional classic wave that should be sampled while in Bali.  It has both lefts and rights but the lefts are much better than the rights and the waves can be very fast but the ride is short. Works best on the mid and high tides with a swell size of 5-6ft. Surfing hazards are the rips and rocks in the surfing area. A number of locals surf this break so be prepared for a little attitude from some of them. The surf can blow out if the wind picks up and the break can get crowded at high tide as it only supports about 25 surfers. The warung at the beach has a toilet and there is also a well where you can wash off after the surf.  The warung also serves basic food and drinks. Map of Seminyak.

    Sanur and Tandjungs and Hyatt are the three main reefs at Sanur. To get there just follow the By Pass main road to Sanur and then turn right at either of the two sets of traffic lights in Sanur.  From any of the beach areas you should be able to see at least one of the reefs. Hyatt Reef is, as the name implies, out the front of the Bali Hyatt Resort.

    Season - Wet Season (November - April)
    Swell Direction - South
    Ideal Size - 4 - 6 ft
    Best Winds - West South West
    Break - The breaks in the Sanur area require a lot of big swell to get them working properly.  It there is huge swell at Nusa Dua you will find some perfect right handers along the Sanur reefs. Be warned that the local surfers are very 'wave hungry' and also not too happy about sharing their 'home break' and they can make it difficult for any newcomer, especially when the waves are under 5ft and this can make it difficult to get waves.  Map of Sanur

    Padang Galak
    Travel through Sanur and turn off onto the new by pass road (called Ketewel By Pass) on the far side of Sanur.  Padang Galak is the first place you come to after turning onto the By Pass road. Park your car at the edge of the road and walk through the rice padi field. There are a couple of warungs where you can leave your belongings.  There are plenty of peaks along the break.
    The beach has black sand beach and the break works best in the wet season when Kuta etc. are onshore. The black sand can get really hot to walk on. Popular with Japanese surfers so sometimes can get a little crowded.

    Padang Galak  is a beach break with standard right and left waves that will suit all levels of surfers. The break generally suits all tides and works best on a South West or Southerly swell of 3ft - 8ft with winds from the North West or West.

    Travel through Sanur and turn onto the new by pass road that is known as the Ketewel By Pass and keep traveling north along this road through Ketewel, Pabean and Saba until you reach Keramas. When you reach Keramas (approx 15-20 mins depending on traffic) you will see a small blue sign on the right hand side of the road with Keramas painted in yellow and this takes you down a dirt track.  Keep your eyes open as it can be hard to find.

    Keramas is a traditional beach break with rights and left world class waves that are powerful and fast but fun. This break is more suited to experienced surfers.  Tides are best at mid and high tide with a swell from 3-5 ft up to 8ft and the wind is best from the West on a North West or Easterly swell.  If Keramas isn't working there are three other beaches are within walking distance and the breaks on these may be working so worth checking out.  Generally not crowded, friendly and relaxing with great waves.

    From Nusa Dua, Jimbaran or Kuta/Tuban areas follow the By Pass Road to Sanur.  About half way to Sanur from the large Kuta roundabout you will see a large wholesale store called Makro. On the other side of the By Pass, almost opposite the entry to the Makro store, you will see a new, unsealed limestone (white rock) road.  Do a U-Turn at the next turn-through area and turn into this road and it will take you through to the Serangan surf break.

    Season - Wet Season (November - April)
    Swell Direction - South
    Ideal Size - 4 - 6 ft
    Best Winds - West South West
    Break - Not very long ago this was a 'secret' spot known only to the local surfers but these days it is very popular, particularly with the Japanese surfers and does get crowded.  Very early morning (if conditions are right) is usually the least crowded.

    Nusa Dua
    To get to this reef you have to drive in to the town itself and then weave your way south, there are a couple of other good waves in this area also so it pays to do a bit of exploring.

    Season - Wet Season (October - April)
    Swell Direction - South
    Ideal Size - 4 - 8 ft
    Best Winds - West North West
    Break - Nusa Dua is a popular break in the wet season so can get crowded.  Best thing with this break is that the actual reef stretches over a very large area and there are at least three or four take off spots to surf. Even though this is a popular break in the wet season it is not as crowded as the popular dry season breaks as it is also a low season for visiting surfers.  The waves are powerful with good tube section but be warned that the break usually has a very strong current running and this usually works against you and gives you a lot of work to do to stay on your take off point. The reef is almost a kilometer offshore so it is better to hire one of the local boats to reach the break in comfort.

    Balangan is located on the southern (Uluwatu) peninsula.  Not too long ago it was a hard place to find but now there is a sealed road that will take you almost to the break. The reef is conveniently situated right in front of the beach and only a short paddle out required.

    Season - Dry Season (May - October)
    Swell Direction - South
    Ideal Size - 4 - 8 ft
    Best Winds - South East Trade Winds
    Break - Before the new road, crowds were never a factor at Balangan but with the direct, easy access it is attracting more surfers.  The Balangan waves are very fast and best on a mid to high time.

    Bingin is the next reef south of Balangan and has always been fairly easy to reach and is well known by surfers. Traveling from the Kuta area through Jimbaran and onto the Uluwatu road you are on a good sealed road, but be warned the last 500 mtrs or so is a very rough, unsealed road. The reef, like Belangan, is close to shore and a short paddle out.

    Season - Dry Season (May - October)
    Swell Direction - South
    Ideal Size - 3 - 5 ft
    Best Winds - South East Trade Winds
    Break - Bingin is a very well known break and can get very crowded in the peak season.  There is only one take off area and the wave itself is good but a short ride.

    The well known Impossibles break is located between Bingin and Padang Padang, so if you're surfing at either of these breaks you will be able to check out what's happening at Impossibles.

    Season - Dry Season (May - October)
    Swell Direction - South
    Ideal Size - 4 - 8 ft
    Best Winds - South East Trade Winds
    Break - Impossibles break, although popular, does not suffer from crowds as the reef stretches over a large area giving the surfer a large choice of take off spots.  When the wave at Impossible is lining up well and the height gets over the 5ft mark on a mid range tide you can expect to get some fast, long rides.

    Padang Padang
    Padang Padang only begins to work when there is a big swell running. A sealed road now takes you all the way to the top of the stairs that lead down to a beautiful white sandy beach in front of the reef. An easy paddle out to the break through the channel.

    Season - Dry Season (May - October)
    Swell Direction - South
    Ideal Size - 5 - 8ft
    Best Winds - South East Trade Winds
    Break - Padang Padang can get extremely crowded when it is working and this is due to it's fame and popularity with surfers.  With a large crowd it is not hard for tempers to flare up and arguments begin which are often caused by drop-ins. Best time to catch a wave at this break when conditions are right is early in the morning.  A great wave and one that you will long remember.

    Uluwatu is situated almost at the southern tip of Bali. Once it was quite a trek to reach the break but  these days you can drive or ride all the way to the warungs and steps on a sealed road. There are 4 different sections to surf at Uluwatu. Temples has a long, hollow wave that works well on a middle to high tide. The Peak is right in front of the warungs on the cliff and in line with the cave and this break is also best on the high tide. Racetrack is a super fast but makeable barrel that works on a low tide, but does get seriously shallow. Outside Corner is considered by many surfers to be one of the best waves anywhere in the world, The Corner won't even begin to break until the swell is at least around 8' then, if your game, you are in for one long, fast ride.

    Season - Dry Season (May - October)
    Swell Direction - South
    Ideal Size - 3 - 10ft Uluwatu always seems to have waves and rarely goes flat.  All conditions seem to work.
    Best Winds - South East Trade Winds
    Break - Uluwatu would be the most well known break in Bali and has become the break that all surfer want to surf at least once.  Because of it's popularity it can get crowded in almost any conditions but will always be crowded with the swell in the 2 - 6 ft range. When the corners are also breaking the crowd becomes less of a worry.  The crowd of surfer generally spread out over a reasonably large area between 'Temples' and 'The Peak' so if you use a little patience you will get enough waves.

    Green Balls
    To get to the break at Green Balls, head out towards Uluwatu and follow the signs to the Bali Cliff Resort at the intersection at Balangan. Green Balls is just the other side of the Bali Cliff Resort and but be warned that there are over 600 steps to get to the bottom of the cliff.

    Season - Wet Season (November - April)
    Swell Direction - South
    Ideal Size - 4 - 6ft Uluwatu always seems to have waves and rarely goes flat.  All conditions seem to work.
    Best Winds - West North West
    Break - The Green Balls break is at the bottom of a cliff so just follow the staircase down to the bottom. No problem getting down but remember that after you have been surfing for a couple of hours the return trip back up the steps will be quite a bit harder. There are usually people around that you can pay to carry your gear for you.  Because of these factors the break is never crowded.

    Nyang-Nyang break is on the old Uluwatu road.  Look for the Nyang-Nyang Hotel. It is a well known break and most people can direct you to the break. When you reach the break you will need to go down the cliff via the steps. The break has a quality right and left wave that produces a ride of 50 - 150 meters depending on conditions.  A wave that should be sampled and not missed on your next surfing trip to Bali. The break tends to work on all tides and begins working with a swell of about 3ft through to 8ft plus.  The break will never be crowded due to its location and access via the long set of steps.

    Balian is on the west road that travels to Medewi and Java (G-Land).  It is a great place to stop off and have a surf on your way to Medewi or Java.  About 1.5hrs after leaving Denpasar area you will see a broken surfboard on the left hand side of the road with Balian written on it. Follow the road for about 5 minutes and park at the warung at the top of the cliff.

    The break is made up of reef and rocks and has a quality right & left hand wave producing a ride of about 150 meters on a good day and is suitable for all levels of surfer. The break can work on all tides and optimum swell size is from 3ft - 8ft. The lefts are usually longer and better shaped than the right handers. When you enter the water you will be taken out by the current to the right. Do not try to master the current because you simply will not succeed.  After a 50 meters offshore paddle to the left it's a long paddle to the peak but you will be rewarded with some very long rides. Balian is a nice quiet spot, not crowed and a typically beautiful Bali surf break but, like Medewi surfing  must be done in the early morning as by mid to late morning the onshore winds will begin to blow the surf out.   When you enter the water you will be taken by the current to the right. Do not try to master the current because you simply will not succeed.  after about 50 meters offshore paddle to the left. It's a very long paddle to the peak but at the same time you get very very long rides.

    To reach Medewi you have to drive north west from Kuta for around 2.5 hours in hellish traffic conditions. As this is the main traffic artery between Java and Bali it is always clogged with cars, vans, trucks, buses and motorbikes so the best option is to leave very early in the morning and beat most of the traffic. There are also a number of good breaks at the river mouths along the way, and you will rarely see anyone surfing them. Leaving Kuta head through Denpasar and follow the signs to Tabanan and keep following the main road north west.

    Season - Wet & Dry Seasons - Early mornings are best as the winds can blow the surf out by midday.
    Swell Direction - South
    Ideal Wave Size - 4 - 6ft
    Best Winds - Early morning with light winds
    Break Popularity - Usually no crowd problems, probably due to the distance from the main tourist areas on the Southern Peninsula.  Also many only make a day trip as there is no nightlife available but the locals are very friendly - even in the surf.  When working the Medewi waves will give you long ride but does not offer many tube sections.

    Saturday, June 4, 2011

    Hotel in Bali

    Alila Ubud > The Resort - Alila Ubud . Bali

    Hotel Alila Ubud

    The ResortAlila Ubud is a tranquil and secluded hillside retreat that sits high up on the edge of the rich green Ayung River valley in Bali’s central foothills. The resort is located just minutes from Ubud, the island’s cultural heart. Blending contemporary design and traditional Balinese architecture, the secluded courtyards, spacious terraces and private gardens create an intimate feeling like none other.

    Rooms & Villas

    The resort's 56 rooms and villas are housed in 14 two-storey blocks designed to resemble a Balinese village. All rooms and villas have panoramic views of the magical Ayung River and surrounding volcanoes.

    The Deluxe Rooms on the ground floor feature individual garden terraces and a back courtyard with an open-air bathroom and shower. The Superior Rooms on the upper floor feature a private balcony and a daybed where you can chill out, read a book or just daydream while enjoying the unobstructed views.

    There are also eight villas. Four superb Valley Villas offer a spacious walk-around deck and are perched over the valley affording spectacular views of the Ayung River. The four luxuriously spacious Pool Villas offer a complete retreat experience with a private pool bordered by landscaped gardens, an open-air bathtub surrounded by a lotus pond, LCD TV and entertainment system, and the exclusive privilege of personalised leisure concierge services and in-villa dining and spa treatments.

    Enjoy the indulgent bedscapes from 'Ploh' in fresh white down comforters and soft high thread count bed sheets and plump pillows. Sleep Mints in the form of in-room Apple iPods are available in the resort's Deluxe Rooms and Villas. Guests can also upload their choice of music at the library. Just plug it in, pop in your iPod and play


    Plantation Dining Restaurant
    Serving Balinese and "healthy" natural cuisine as well as some of the finest international dishes.

    Award-winning Pool
    The dramatic emerald-green swimming pool is perched on a terrace and appears to float above the plunging Ayung River valley below. The pool is surrounded by stone-tiled sun decks that feature comfortable sun-beds with attractive Balinese umbrellas.

    Spa Alila
    Spa Alila comprises one double deluxe Spa Villa, a double Spa Pavilion, a double Spa Suite, a dedicated Massage Suite, two single Spa Suites,a Manicure and Pedicure Salon and Spa Reception. The Spa Pavilion and Suites feature open-air treatment areas and bathrooms with waterfall showers, while the Suite offers air-conditioned comfort.

    Leisure Concierge
    Tours of the surrounding area can be arranged by Alila Ubud's leisure concierge. They include trips to the mountain village of Kintamani, the spectacular rice terraces at Tegalalang, the natural springs at Tampaksiring, Ubud’s galleries, museums and souvenir shops, and the village of Petulu, home to a large flock of white egrets.

    The Arts Gallery
    The Art Gallery at Alila Ubud provides a showcase for contemporary Indonesian art. Each year, some major exhibitions are held as part of the hotel’s commitment to help promote gifted local artists.

    Meeting Facilities
    The relaxed and calm environment of Alila Ubud is conducive for small, intimate meetings. A meeting room located on the ground floor of the hotel's central courtyard can host up to 30 participants.

    -Library & TV lounge with broadband internet access
    -Alila Living boutique
    -24-hour in-room dining
    -Complimentary shuttle service to Ubud
    -In-room safe and music iPod (Deluxe Rooms and Villas)
    -Laundry and dry cleaning service
    -Airport transfer and car rental
    -Sculpture garden

    Sunday, May 22, 2011

    Site Map

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    Bali Holidays: Bali Holidays - 11 Things You Must Know Before Travelling to Bali
    Bali Holidays: Bali Holiday Travel and Accommodation

    Wednesday, May 18, 2011

    Bali Holidays - 11 Things You Must Know Before Travelling to Bali

    Bali, commonly known as the "Island of Gods," is one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. Situated just west of Lombok and east of the gorgeous island of Java, Bali is one of 17,000 islands on the Indian Ocean. Of these islands, 6,000 are inhibited by people.

    Here is a list of some of the top things you should know before you book any of your Bali holidays:

    1. All holiday makers going to Bali must have at least 6 months valid on their passports from the date of arrival.

    2. Bali's customs only allow a maximum of two litres of alcohol on entry into the country.

    3. If you are a smoker, each visitor is able to bring 200 cigarettes, 100 grams of tobacco or 50 cigars into Bali.

    4. The local currency used in Bali is the "Rupiah". The currency ranges from 50 and 100 in coins, and 100, 500 and 1,000 in either coins or notes.

    5. There are approximately 3 million people living in Bali where most of the workers are working within the tourism industry. Holidays to Bali are very popular during the dry months of the year.

    6. The power supply in the larger cities is 220 volts, however 110 volts is used in some smaller and more remote areas of the country.

    7. Gratitude tips of 5-10% on the total bill are appropriate and acceptable.

    8. Airport porters expect a tip of approximately RP. 3000 for bags heavier than 20kg.

    9. The local time in Bali and Lombok is GMT + 8 hours.

    10. Bali is only 5.6 sq kilometres and it is possible to explore the whole island on a one day tour of Bali.

    11. Beaches along Eastern and Southern Bali are white whereas in other parts of the country, are grey or black due to volcanic sand.

    Bali holidays are popular with people travelling from all over the world due to many flights flying directly to Bali's Ngurah Rai International airport, often known as Denpasar International airport.

    Experienced and enthusiastic round the world travel photographer. Enjoys travelling to various tropical locations around the world and sharing my insights with others. A picture tells a thousand words, and I love sharing them with others.

    Bali Holiday Travel and Accommodation

    Here is a short bit of information on Bali holiday adventures. Me and the family has been to Bali 4 times in the last three years and have always had the most exiting time in Bali. We have had some great experiences including some not so pleasing one's also.

    One i can think of was when we visited the Bali safari park when my wife, son who was then 3 and my daughter who was 2 were having a photo taken with an orangutan which after were going to view the pictures taken when my little son slipped down the step and tumbled fore head first in to a post his face was absolutely covered in blood, the guide as me if he could pick him up and run to the first aid room with him. So i raced of following the worker of the Bali Safari park with my son and had his head all cleaned up and bandaged. I must say the staff did a great job of trying to look after my son.

    We generally stay at the beach resorts which are always friendly and family orientated. The Jayakarta is a favorite as we have now stayed there on two visits to Bali and are planning to stay there for our next trip in 2011. Bali beach accommodation seems to be the preferred selection in my view as this is where i prefer to stay when visiting Bali. There is always friendly people everywhere you look, we have met some of the greatest people who we now call friends and keep in regular contact with.

    There is so much Bali holiday accommodation available to choose from. Bali hotels and villas seem to be the most popular by far.

    The Bali beach hotels seem to do a roaring trade and are also one of my favorites. When looking for bali holiday accommodation there are a number of factors you should be thinking of :

    1. What are you looking to be doing on your holiday? are you looking to be staying in the resort or hotel quite a bit maybe lazing around the pool.
    2. Do you like the fast living or do you just intend on taking it easy? There are numerous activities you can be doing in Bali, Surfing, Diving, Doing the slides at Water Bom Park, Visiting Ubud and the monkey forest or mabee having lunch at the volcano whatever the holiday you are on you can find a world of tours and activities.

    I also love the beach and sitting down at one of the beach bars in the afternoon for a few quiet ones while the wife gets a pedicure and does a little bargaining and the kids are playing in the sand. You always end up in a group talking about your travels while we all are watching the sun go down.

    If you like shopping then there is plenty of supermarket and shopping centres and you won't be able to miss the thousands of stalls selling products, clothing, ornaments and plenty more. I hope to fill you in on the next post.
    So next time you are looking t

    This article was written by Andrew Green who enjoys his long and short holidays wether it be overseas or around my own land called Australia. Keep Travelling.